All In Study session photo

The IFM-SEI Accessibility Network wants your help in making IFM-SEI more accessible!

The Accessibility Network was created as a result of the All In study session that took place in November of 2016. The study session ran by IFM-SEI and ENIL (European Network of Independent Living) was on the topic of inclusion, disability rights and children's rights. The seminar concluded with a report which you can find here.

Since then the network has been relatively inactive but will hopefully be back up and running with your input


IFM-SEI run a number of events each year; whether that's a study session, a working group, an online seminar or an international camp.

At these events we aim to empower young people to take an active role in society and to fight for their rights. We work on combating things that can restrict young people from having their say in society and the world around them.

We've worked on the rights of LGBT*IQ people with our  Rainbow Resources manual, the constrictions of migration and visa access with our On The Move project and we have worked on the rights of children since IFM-SEI was established in 1922.

Sometimes however we forget to consider the accessibility of these events and how these different topics can intersect. Moving forward we want all our events, both online and off to be accessible to all. We need your help in doing this. We need you to tell us how we can do this.

We can use online resources, we can ask other organisations, we can search far and wide but what we really need is real input from our members.

Ways in which we could be more accessible

  • Online accessibility
  • -Adding alternative text to images (so our site is compatible with screen readers).
  • -Being able to control text size on the site.
  • -Adding a dyslexic friendly font.
  • Making our resources accessible
  • -Through an intersectional approach relating accessibility to all of the thematic areas covered in the IFM-SEI working plan.
  • -Having our resources all available in print and online.
  • -Consulting those with visual accessibility needs before finalizing the design of our resources.
  • Making our events accessible
  • -Having our events physically accessible; wheelchair ramps, car pick ups and lifts in accommodation.
  • -Having our events auditory accessible; having sign language interpreters and having ongoing text of seminar content and language.

Any other suggestions?



The network was established a year and a half ago but has unfortunately been slow since.

We've just created a Facebook group which you can find here.

At our recent Proud and Visible event in partnership with PES (Party of European Socialists) in Istanbul we had several meetings of our different thematic networks but due to a lack of interest, the Accessibility Network meeting did not take place. We will keep pushing this however and try and have a network meeting at one of our upcoming events as soon as possible.

What do we want from you?

All In photo 2

Begin by joining our Facebook group and watch out for updates, polls and relevant resources.

Relevant upcoming events

We have two upcoming seminars taking place in Döbriach, Austria. The seminars are part of our project entitled 'Let's Talk About Sex' which is on the topic of gender, sexuality, bodies, body positivity and progressive sex education. The seminars aim to cover how sex education could be more progressive in relation to independent living and accessibility. The seminars are split into 'Me As a Sexual Being' and 'Us As Sexual Beings', the first being a beginner level seminar and the latter being an advanced level seminar.

Thank you for taking the time to read

We look forward to seeing you over on the Facebook Group or at one our events.

If you have any private suggestions or comments about accessibility at IFM-SEI you can email me @

You can find a PDF copy of this post here


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