For the second module of Resist! Training, participants dived into the relationship between Climate Change and Racial Justice and Colonialism. As part of the project the 21 participants of Resist! had the chance to develop some local activities in their local communities.  

Check some of them here: 

Overpopulation and climate change 

Willi (Germany )

Poster and online campaign to debunk some of the biggest myths of Climate Change…  Are we too many people in the planet? Is this the main cause of climate change?

Do you want to read more? Check this out: 

Video on Climate Change and Capitalism 

#ClimateChange #Anticapitalism  

Tin, Rok and Samo (Slovenia)

We, the participants at Resist!, decided to share the knowledge we got about anti-capitalism and its connection to environmentalism during the sessions and to find out how the members of our organization see it with a video!


Workshop on Climate Change and Racial Justice 

Papa Ndongo  (Senegal )

Action Enface Senegal Activists were in Thiaroye to celebrate the International Day of Social Justice through the theme of climate Change and Racial Justice. 


Climate Change and Racial Justice (blog) 

Agneyi (India)

Blog about Climate activism and racial injustice, 2 of the mainstream topics of 2020-2021: “Most of you already know a lot about it, probably more than the content in my blog. But they say learning is good right. So, here is a daily dose of knowledge. Hope you enjoy it.”


Screening and sharing 

Marla (Sweden) 

This event was a screening and sharing of films and talks highlighting the more human aspect of the climate crisis.  

This took the form of a documentary film on Kiribati and how the climate crisis is impacting the people, a talk on how colonialism, racism and the patriarchy have caused the climate crisis, and a short film highlighting the importance of trees and how we have been destroying nature and the subsequent impacts this has on people and wildlife. 

Did you know? Now you know! 

Jorge (Chile) 

Different collaborators and members of Integridad Absoluta Chile were interviewed, divided into two age groups. The first group was between the ages of 25 to 35 years and the second group between 40 to 60 years, including LGTBI + groups and indigenous peoples. 


Resist! the Global Climate Divide and all local activities have been implemented with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.


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