What is this project about?

PeaceCommunicators annual work plan aims to provide space  for young people to develop skills, attitudes, values, and knowledge to build sustainable, just, and supportive societies. They will do this  by becoming multiplier of inclusion. i.e.,  this will give young people the skills required to provide an alternative to normative way  by questioning status quo.

More specifically, the main objectives of the project are:

  1. Develop participants` understanding ofpeace and peace education concepts at the personal and interpersonal levels through training trainers on peace education.  
  2. Gain awareness of the importance ofnon-violent conflict resolution through getting familiar with conflict mediation and conflict prevention concepts with a particular focus on non-violent communication and critical peace education in the context of group work.   
  3. Enhance youth workers’ competencies and training capacity to become young mediators that create safe(r) spaces in youth settings and learn how to mediate and resolve conflicts in diverse and blended learning environments.  
  4. Empower participants through non-formal education and peace education to act as multipliers of inclusion that mitigate violent radicalisation. 
  5. Create materials for youth leaders, and youth trainers on mediation, conflict prevention and broadly understood peace education. 


Phases of the project

Phase 1: Critical Peace Educators

This would be a  seven-day training for 2 2 young people in Brussels in March The training will be the basis of the future phases . This phase will develop the participants’ knowledge, capacities, and skills on peace  educationnon-violent conflict resolution, conflict mediation , and conflict prevention, focusing on critical peace education in the context  of group work. It will also help the participants develop training sessions that would be implemented online and face to face on peace education for young people from their local  groupsThe outcome of this phase would be two trainings on peace education, one  held online, and the second one face to face.

Phase 2: Mediation Academy

This phase will be held at IFM-SEI I nternational Camp (Common Ground 2022) ; this camp will have 3000– 4000 participants and will be in  the UK at the end of July, for 11 days The phase will contain two different methods of learning. The first one will be  training on skills through the mediation academy days, where  30 participants from the previous phase will come together  to enhance their knowledge and be more advance in peace education, mediation, peaceful communicationcombating  oppression, personal trauma, theatre of the oppressed, and critical thinking. The second learning method  of this phase will be learning through observing and journaling in between the academy days .

Phase 3: Layers of Peace

This phase will  compile all the outcomes of the previous phases to  develop them into sketches for short animations videos and a “starter kit” for trainers on  how to defuse conflict in groups,  whether virtual or physical We will look at the group dynamics and issues that appeared in the first phase during the  activities’ follow-up. We would also look at the journals  outcomes from phase two (the Academy), propose more situations where conflicts might  appear in groups and ways to solve them so that, as an outcome of this  phase, it would be a  skeleton for the starter kit the animated videos.  



  • Materials for youth leaders, and youth trainers on mediation, conflict prevention and broadly understood peace education.
  • “PeaceCommunicators Starter Kit” with tools and methods covering educational ways in supporting trainers to defuse conflict within peer group.

English | Français | Español

This project is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

European Youth Foundation (EYF) and Counsil of Europe (CoE)

Check out how others are talking about this! https://www.thenews.coop/161218/topic/democracy/young-co-operators-from-woodcraft-folk-attend-peacecommunicators-programme/