IFM-SEI has created new, fancycolourful and fashionable merchandise designs for our members and would like to offer you the chance to buy one and wear it with pride!

Our designs aim to stimulate curiosity and initiate conversations about IFM-SEI and its values, as well creating our shared identity through our clothing. Better than that – they look great! Apart from new designs we also have many items with good old IFM-SEI logos. Bright colours and different fits for all ages to ensure we have something for everyone!

There are two ways to reach our new line of merchandise. You can either visit our online shop for a variety of items for purchase and delivery to your home, or you can pre-order on our activities.

Online shopping

We want to give our members more flexibility of selection in colours, sizes, items and designs of our new line of merchandise and allow our members and supporters to be able to get their hands on our merchandise wherever they are in the world without having to take part in an IFM-SEI activity. To do this, we have launched a brand new online shop via Spreadshirt. The good thing is you can even personalise the items by changing the colour or size of designs and adding text. You can order online whenever you wish or wherever you are. Enjoy and do not forget to send us your photos with your goodies or tag us on social media!

You can reach the shop by following this link or by checking out the info below!

Pre-order for activities

Pre-order is only available with a limited variety of clothing and bags (for now!) at the IFM-SEI activities. It will be on a first come, first served basis because we have a limited amount in our office due to space. This is open to anyone who will attend our activities and cannot be ordered through the post. To make your booking, we will need to receive the payment by bank transfer at least one week before the activity or by paying in cash during the activity. You can download the order form (following this link).

If you have any questions regarding merchandise please don't hesitate to contact us on