Today is the First of May. This day is not just a holiday, celebration, or a day of protests. This day was chosen to be International Workers’ Day to commemorate and further promote the demands of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago for 8 hours work per day.

Today is the day of workers, embraced mainly by the workers’ movements and their supporters to raise visibility for worker’s rights and demands with the power of international solidarity.

Why is IFM-SEI celebrating international Labour day?

  • We are a movement that the working-class children and youth established for the working-class children and youth.
  • We believe in a world where everyone has the resources they need to ensure a high quality of life. Consequently, access to safe, sustainable, and valuable work is essential.
  • We are convinced that with a reduction of working hours, labour could be better distributed, unemployment rates would decrease, and people would have more time for themselves and their loved ones.

Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the world economy became one of the main concerns of most governments; this mainly focuses on the job owners, especially for big businesses, while neglecting the backbone of each big business (the workers themselves). Additionally, the International Labour Organization estimates that more than 33 million people worldwide become unemployed due to the pandemic.

Sustainable and fair labour and worker’s rights are not topics of the past but one of the present and the future. Hence, IFM-SEI fights for

  • All children’s Rights to be respected and not violated, especially in a crisis.
  • Demands the focus of the recovery process be centered around workers, their family, and especially their children, rather than centered on business owners.
  • Secure working environment for all genders, races, disabilities, sexual orientations, religions.
  • The right to work, including a safe and regular income.
  • Respecting the 8 hours per day working hours with the proper amount of salary.
  • Reduction of working hours with an equal amount of salary.
  • Distribution of work and thus decrease of unemployment.
  • International Solidarity!
  • To create a process for the workers to own the mean of business production.

Together we are louder, stronger, and will overcome anything. Join us for workers’ international solidarity!.

#mayfirst #internationalsolidarity


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