Interested to know what IFM-SEI is fighting for? Well, on this page, you will find some of the projects we have worked on in the very past years. For more information about each project, click on the logo, and you will be redirected to the respective page.

EFN – Society is Ours

EFN is a network with all of IFM-SEI European Member Organisations. With the seminar, we aimed to explore the importance of civil society and how democratic participation is vital to the good functioning of the European Union in protecting and safeguarding fundamental rights, as well as sharing and identifying methods to combat shrinking civil space and promote civic engagement through volunteering in non­formal children’s and youth organisations.

Building Bridges: Youth Work for Peace and Dialogue

It was a long-term project from 2018-2020 that promoted peace education and dialogue through youth work in developing countries and in Europe with a transcontinental approach. Check out the toolkit created during the project.

Let’s talk about SEX


The project addressed issues of gender, sexuality, bodies, body positivity and inclusive sex education, and explored and celebrated the non-normative aspects of sex education and the groups of people who are often left out of sex education. Through the project, we explore what sex is, why people have sex, how to do it safely with consent and the emotional side of sex. Do you want to know the outcomes of the project?


I Act

In this project we study the prevention of sexual violence from a bystander approach. You are an active bystander when you take responsibility and decide to act when you see something happening that could lead to an act of sexual violence.

On the Move

This was an exciting and ambitious project that ran from 2016-2018 and ranged from managing visa barriers to raising awareness of the challenges faced by young refugees and migrants and their better inclusion in our organisations. As part of the outcomes, we delivered 2 trainings and a handbook. Check it out!