This study was conducted as part of the project ‘Building Bridges: Youth work for peace and dialogue’, a two-year global project implemented by IFM-SEI and funded by the European Commission (EC). The overall goal of the project is to promote peace education and dialogue through youth work in developing countries and in Europe by initiating a cross-continental

This research was inspired by the needs and challenges that all of our partners have faced in recent years. Across the globe we are seeing increasing rising divisions in societies and tensions between different social groups. There is an increased strain on young people due to political and socioeconomic pressures and groups of young people are blaming other groups for problems being created by the political elite. A rise of populism and nationalism is seeing groups being pitted against each other. The question of the integration of new arrivals is a prominent one not just in Europe, but further afield, with increasing hostility as migrants are being seen as being a drain on resources, whether in employment, welfare or education. Conflict is being seen on a macro and micro level in many societies inside and outside of Europe.

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