Agreed: IFM-SEI Congress 2013 in Manchester (UK).

This Congress recognises the vital role that international camps play in achieving our aims. Camps provide the opportunity for children to build children’s republics, develop international friendship and solidarity.

Every international camp bringing together groups of our movements, where children and young people live our values of equality, democracy, peace, friendship and solidarity strengthens our international.

The IFM Presidium should therefore offer as much support as possible to all member organisations willing to organise an international camp. Any camp where children of more than one member organisation take part can be called an IFM camp if the host organisation wishes.

Every 4-6 years the IFM-SEI Presidium will pro-actively try to initiate a larger camp where all member organisations are invited, where solidarity funds are raised to enable the participation of as many organisations as possible and where IFM-SEI is co-responsible for the development of the programme.