Resolution on a statement to condemn the involvement and actions of two member organization for their involvement in the conscious aggregation against Palestinians

Submitted by: IYU - Independence Youth Union (April 2024).

Based on the full commitment to our political orientations and our belief in the principle of the two-state solution, non-military action and peace, consistent with international law and humanitarian law, the statement expresses concern about two member organisations that diverge from this approach.

The proposal is to have a statement condemning the action shared by these two organisations that does not respect the IFM-SEI principles.

The resolution was approved by the International Committee, April 2024.

The full statement can be accessed in French, Spanish and English.

A common resolution on the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank

Submitted by:FRAM - Falcons from Norway (March, 2024)

The statement calls IFM-SEI to issue a statement on the concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to call for a ceasefire. The proposal is to write a joint statement after the meeting to be voted on the following day.

The resolution was approved by the International Committee on April, 2024.

The full statement can be accessed in French, Spanish and English.

Resolution on Open and clear communication with member organisations

Submitted by: FRAM – Falcons from Norway (March 2024).

Together we want to change the world for the better by providing non-formal education for children and young people to develop critical awareness and empower them to challenge the inequalities in our world. To be able to do this we as organisations need to cooperate and communicate efficiently.

The resolution addresses the issue of lack of clear and concise communication. To this end, it requests that IFM-SEI communicate with organizations when something is needed from them (e.g., a fundraising campaign or additional support in other ways), in a clear manner, preferably with concrete objectives and deadlines.

The resolution was approved by the International Committee on April, 2024.

You can find the full resolution  in French, Spanish and English.

Resolution on Antisemitism Proposal

Submitted by: NOAL (August 2023).

The resolution addresses the need to create an educational process which will create tools towards understanding and confronting the phenomena of Antisemitism.

Therefore, let it be resolved:

  1. That the IFM will take a clear stance against antisemitism in all its forms;
  2. That IFM training on anti-racism will also include training on antisemitism;
  3. The IFM will empower Jewish members to educate about the topic, including about the phenomenon of left-wing antisemitism both historically and today;
  4. That the IFM will listen to Jewish members when they raise complaints about antisemitism, rather than try to smear them or silence them, as is expected of those who seek to show solidarity with all hated and historically marginalized groups (by they in relation to gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, etc.);
  5. That the IFM create an educational and empowering progress on the topic:
    1. Establishing a leading group of movements and individuals who seek to explore this topic more in-depth, which will hold a joint seminar in 2024;
    2. The leading group will bring a training and toolkit on the topic in 2025.

The resolution was approved by the International Committee on September 30th, 2023.

The full policy can be accessed in our official three languages here.

Resolution on the hosting of IFM-SEI Camp 2025

Submitted by: Red Falcons Austria (August 2023).

The resolution addresses the willingness of Red Falcons Austria to host the next upcoming IFM-SEI Camp in Austria, together with the celebration of their 100 years anniversary.

"We are happy to apply at the IC meeting 2023, to host the IFM-SEI camp 2025. We not only want to celebrate together with you our and the centenaries of sister organisation but also focusing on what IFM-SEI is about – Creating a world according to our values, sharing political discussions, making history and spanning the world with friendship."

The resolution was approved by the International Committee on September 30th, 2023.

The full policy can be accessed in French, Spanish and English.

Resolution on an IFM-SEI Structural Review and Reform Group

Submitted by: SJD-Die Falken (August 2023).

The resolution addresses the fact that we still face deep structural problems in the IFM-SEI that run deeper than just the persons immediately responsible and are ultimately connected to a very broad crisis of institutions of civil society all over the world. The world in which we live now is a very different one than the world in which the IFM-SEI was founded.

How can a socialist educational international look in the 21st century? This is a question that can only be answered by all of us, collectively, not by a working group. But if at one point we want to be able to do that, we have to answer a lot of smaller questions first. This should be the task of the proposed working group.

The motion calls on the International Committee to establish a Structure Review and Reform Group.

The Structure Review and Reform Group has the objective to design a participative process in which:

  1. A deeper understanding of the problems that led the IFM-SEI into this situation is achieved.
  2. Recommendations on changes to the IFM-SEI structures are developed.
  3. The implementation of these changes is carefully administered step by step

The resolution was approved by the International Committee on September 30th, 2023.

The full policy can be accessed in French, Spanish and English.

Resolution on the future of IFM-SEI

Submitted by: SJD-Die Falken (August 2023).

The resolution addresses the current situation in IFM-SEI and how we are capable to pull the IFM-SEI out of its crisis but not without resistance inside our movement. It proposes to check on our constitutional bodies if it fits to our understand of organising an umbrella organisation for socialist youth movements but we also need to come together and share our perspectives on the IFM-SEI and how we want to strengthen our organisation and fill it with our ideas and vividness.

It calls on the IC to organise a Future Workshop for the future of IFM-SEI and the Member Organisations during the next three years. It was approved by the International Committee on September 30th, 2023.

The full policy can be accessed in Spanish, English and French.

Resolution on Socialist Education Toolkit

The resolution addresses the principles that will guide IFM-SEI written approach to non-formal education called ‘socialist education’ as well as the competencies of socialist educators, as identified at our Socialist Education Toolkit Seminar taking place 7-13 February 2022 in Salvador-Allende-Haus in Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany. 

The following topics are addressed in the Resolution on Socialist Education Toolkit:

  • The main aim of socialist education is solidarity.
  • Socialist education is a lifelong process.
  • No education is neutral.
  • Self-organisation.
  • Class consciousness.
  • A world free from oppression is a world free of capitalism.
  • Education for social change.
  • Meaningful participation and democracy.
  • Challenging hierarchy and discipline.
  • Anti-patriarchial and inclusive approach.
  • Creating s a safe(r) space based on solidarity.
  • Child and youth participation.
  • Cooperation, not competition.
  • Education for internationalism.
  • Conflict as a transformative practice.
  • Empowering children and young people.
  • Addressing climate crisis.

The full policy can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on Child and Youth Participation

Resolution analysis the current structure of the organisation and proposes the following resolutions to make our organisation more child and youth friendly and how we can be even more open and participatory in decision making:

  • Implementing a definition of a child as 13 years old or under. 

  • Developing a child-friendly advocacy strategy based on socialist values and aims and principles of IFM-SEI.

  • Delivering an online children’s congress/international committee each year.

  • Implementing a young persons quota to delegations attending congress/international committee from our member organisations.

This resolution was adopted at the online XXIX Ordinary Congress on 22-24 April 2022.

The full policy can be accessed in English, French and Spanish.

Resolution on Anti-Racism Policy and Training

This Congress notes that racism and institutional racism exist across the globe and within our movement. We believe that IFM-SEI; the Presidium, the Secretariat and all Member Organisations should take action to educate individuals. We wish for IFM-SEI to challenge racist behaviour and discriminatory practices, seeking to create safe and inclusive spaces for all.

This Congress asks the Presidium to:

  1. Produce an Anti-Racism Policy with clear procedures for reporting and taking action on racism.
  2. Co-ordinate Anti-Racism training every 3 years, this training to be mandatory for the Presidium, the Secretariat and seminar facilitators.
  3. Include an Anti-Racism workshop at IFM activities.

This policy addresses how to challenge racist behaviour and discriminatory practices in IFM-SEI, seeking to create safe and inclusive spaces for all. 

The full policy can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

IFM-SEI Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

This Safeguarding Policy applies to all volunteers, members, staff, interns, freelancers, Presidium members, Control Commission members and/or anyone working or volunteering with or on behalf of IFM-SEI. The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Protect children and young people who attend IFM-SEI activities and events
  • Provide volunteers and staff with the overarching principles that guide IFM-SEI’s approach to safeguarding and child protection

The full policy can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on AYF Armenia

Submitted by: AYF  (April 2021).

On September 27 Azerbaijan started a large-scale and unprovoked attack against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Armenia. Azerbaijan waged a war during a global pandemic, against the call of the United Nations Secretary-General for a global ceasefire. These attacks are in direct violation of the ceasefire signed by Armenia, Artsakh, Azerbaijan in 1994, and unfortunately, children became the biggest victims during this war. The full resolution can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution to establish a participative process for developing sustainable and democratic systems and processes within and for IFM-SEI

Submitted by: Kinderfreunde/Rote Falken Austria  (April 2021)

Over the last couple of years, IFM-SEI and its member organizations have had a lot of discussions on making IFM-SEI more participative, decrease barriers and provide the necessary base for all members to be able to actively engage in activities and processes. This resolution aims to ensure taking sustainable decisions. The full resolution can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on Child and Youth Participation

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium  (April 2021)

IFM-SEI believes that by involving children and young people more in our decision making we can become a more open and participatory organisation. This resolution aims to improve child and youth participation in IFM-SEI’s work and structures. The full resolution can be accessed in English , Spanish and French.

Resolution on Fair Share to end Child Labour

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium  (April 2021)

To achieve a breakthrough for ending child labour by 2025, as per SDG 8.7, youth leaders, activists, survivors, UN Agencies, Nobel Laureates, civil society organisations, business leaders, faith leaders, and trade unions from across the world came together and launched the Fair Share to End Child Labour campaign and made a commitment to demand a fair share of resources, policies and social protection in order to eradicate child labour. IFM-SEI became officially part of this network at the beginning of the year 2021, where at the launching event IFM-SEI signed the testimonial to do their fair share to end child labour. The full resolution can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on Conflict of Interest - Policy & Procedure for Elected Officers & Staff

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium and Control Commission  (April 2021)

Conflict of interest policy for use by IFM-SEI Presidium and Control Commission members and staff contains details about a register of interests, and rules for handling conflicts of interest both at and between meetings. The full resolution can be accessed in English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on transport and diverse participation

Submitted by: More Democratic More Participatory Task Force  (April 2021)

At the IC 2020, the MDMP task force was established to point out the changes necessary to ensure that IFM-SEI does not end up being a reflection of the inequalities of the society in which we live. This resolution aims to face the barrier of transport cost and visa. The full resolution can be accessed in: English, Spanish and French.

Resolution on inclusive discussion and language/translation

Submitted by: More Democratic More Participatory Task Force  (April 2021)

At the IC 2020, the MDMP Task Force was established to point out the changes necessary to ensure that IFM-SEI does not end up being a reflection of the inequalities of the society in which we live. This resolution aims to face the language barrier and guarantee the inclusion of all the members and participants. The full resolution can be accessed in: English , Spanish and French.

Resolution on Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons

Submitted by: Framfylkingen (June 2019)

The Congress 2019 notes deep concerns about the increasing risk of nuclear weapons in the world and recognising the importance of the UN treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons but that many countries have not signed it. The Congress moves that all countries should sign and ratify the UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. The full resolution can be accessed by following this link.

Resolution on Stopping the Bombing of Yemen

Submitted by: Framfylkingen or the Norwegian Falcons (June 2019).

The Congress 2019 recognises that the civil war in Yemen is one of the biggest humanitarian crises in the world and IFM-SEI urges for the United Nations and all countries should work to stop the war in Yemen as soon as possible. Check out the full resolution here.

Resolution on Ethical and Sustainable Travel

Submitted by: Framfylkingen or the Norwegian Falcons (June 2019).

The Congress noted the importance of being able to conduct travel while not contradicting the core Aims and Principles of IFM-SEI in doing so and outlines the importance of travelling in a ethical and sustainable manner in relation to climate change and workers' rights. This resolution commits to a series of rules that outlines which means and companies are acceptable and not for IFM-SEI activities and provides guidelines for member organisations. To find out more of the details follow this link to view and download the full resolution.

Resolution on the Development of the IFM-SEI Latin American Network

Submitted by: CHAP, Manque Chile, Los Cachorros, Integridad Absoluta, Mirim Brasil (June 2019).

The Congress 2019 highlighted the importance of regional networks and the Latin America Falcon Network as a platform to work on sustainable regional development and the implementation of IFM-SEI aims and principles. The resolution outlines the focus areas and roadmap of the regional network during the 2019-22 period and states that two regional coordinators will be appointed for this mandate to support the development of the region. You can read the full resolution in English and Spanish here.

Resolution on the Development of the IFM-SEI Migration Network

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2019).

The Congress 2019 committed to the development of the IFM-SEI Migration Network and outlined a roadmap for the development of the network by working with other socialist migrant- and/or refugee-led organisations to reflect on our organisational structures to make IFM-SEI more inclusive of refugees and migrants, and making national and regional cooperation platforms between IFM-SEI organisations and external organisations. Take a look at the full resolution here.

Resolution on IFM-SEI Thematic Networks

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2019).

The Congress 2019 approved the formal establishment of the Accessibility Network and Migration Network, which were created by members during the previous three years. The Accessibility Network came out of the All In project on the inclusion of young people with disabilities in our organisations, in cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) Youth Network. The Migration Network came out of the Children on the Move study session exploring how to support child refugees and migrants, and supported by the On The Move global project on refugees and migration. Both networks will provide a structure for IFM-SEI members to bring their expertise on the topics, engage a wide range of IFM-SEI members, complement and support the work of the IFM-SEI Presidium, and support member organisations to develop their work in these fields. Check out the full resolution here.

Resolution on European Elections 2019

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2018).

The International Committee 2018 reflected on the impact of populism across Europe and the effect this will likely have the outcome of the European Elections in 2019. We recognise that the decisions taken by adult decision-makers have a disproportionate effect on children and young people who cannot vote and noted that democracy and participation is much more than voting and, as a movement, we should be promoting alternative forms of democracy. IFM-SEI resolves to put a focus of our upcoming work on democratic, political and civic education, campaigning for voting rights for all and raising awareness about alternative forms of democracy. Take a look at the full resolution here.

Resolution on the Pool of Representatives

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2018).

The International Committee 2018 approved the establishment of a Pool of Representatives to create a pool of volunteers that can represent IFM-SEI at external activities and that can be recruited at short notice. This will be launched online and will identify specific thematic focuses for which prospective representatives can apply.  The pool will be reviewed at the International Committee 2020. Read the full resolution here.

Resolution on Definition of Membership

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2018).

The International Committee 2018 approved a resolution to prepare for the Congress in 2019 by coming up with an agreed system to calculate the voting rights for each member organisation in line with the IFM-SEI Constitution. It outlines a shared understanding on the definition of a member that can be applicable across our member organisations when calculating membership data for the votes allocation. A timeline is outlined through which organisations must submit their membership data. Read the full resolution here.

Woodcraft Folk Statement Following EU Referendum

Submitted by: Woodcraft Folk, UK (August 2016).

Woodcraft Folk (UK) submitted a statement to the IFM-SEI Congress 2016 stating its commitment to internationalism, international cooperation and IFM-SEI in the wake of the referendum vote to leave the European Union. The statement re-affirms the Educational Aims and Principles of Woodcraft Folk. Read the full statement here.

Gender Equality in IFM-SEI

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2015).

The IFM-SEI submitted a motion to the IFM-SEI International Committee 2014 proposing a survey to review the realities of gender equality systems in IFM-SEI member organisations. The motion reaffirms the commitment for the need for women’s and trans* only spaces on IFM-SEI events, gender quotas and continued education around gender equality. Read the full motion here.

Development of a Code of Conduct for IFM-SEI

Submitted by: IFM-SEI Presidium (June 2014).

The IFM-SEI submitted a motion to the IFM-SEI International Committee 2014 proposing the development of a Code of Conduct for IFM-SEI following incidents in member organisations. The aim of the Code of Conduct is to clarify our mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct and visible guidelines for behaviour. Read the full resolution here.

Resolution on IFM-SEI Camps

The IFM-SEI Congress 2016 approved a resolution recognising the vital role that international camps play in achieving our aims and committing the IFM-SEI Presidium to supporting international camps as much as possible. The resolution states that the IFM-SEI Presidium will proactively try to initiate a larger camp where all member organisations are invited every 4-6 years, where solidarity funds are raised to enable the participation of as many organisations as possible and where IFM-SEI is co-responsible for the development of the programme. Read the full resolution here.

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