Friendship plays critical roles in our lives from childhood to adulthood. As children our friends were a bigger part of […]
Ten years ago in 22.07.2011, 69 of our comrades from the Norwegian Youth Organisation AUF and Framfylkingen were shot by […]
Do you want to know more? Every Tuesday we will be celebrating #QueerTuesday, by posting a rainbow collage with colourful […]
IFM-SEI is looking for expert trainers in the planning and implementation of g-local campaigns. As a trainer, you will have […]
Are you eager to learn more about IFM-SEI structures? Are you motivated to contribute with your knowledge and experience? Do […]
Over the past days, tensions and violence have increased in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied West Bank. It started with […]
This day was established by the UN and has been celebrated on May 15th since 1993 and this year's theme […]
Resist! the Global Climate Divide investigates the systemic, decolonial and intersectional nature of the global climate crisis. After a consultation […]
Today is the First of May. This day is not just a holiday, celebration, or a day of protests. This […]
Location: Brussels, Belgium Contract: one year fixed-term with possibility for extension (commencing April 2021 or as early as possible) Deadline […]
Today, 8 of March, is the International Womxn’s Day. That is why the members of the Feminist Network of IFM-SEI […]
For an enthusiastic and fair world Let’s all stand up to achieve zero discrimination goal    IFM-SEI as a vast […]
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