The first round of local projects of Resist! Explore the links between Climate Change and Capitalism. As part of the training, the 21 participants of Resist! had the chance to develop some local activities in their local communities.  

Check some of them here: 

Clothe swap 

Marla (Sweden )

An event to encourage the reuse and repurposing of old items, to push back against the disposable culture so prevalent in society. The project created a space to give unwanted items a new owner, to prevent waste, encourage reuse and sustainability in our forms of consumption, the event also involved those who attended to fill out a digital questionnaire provoking thoughts and attitudes around fast fashion, the climate crisis, eating habits, individual vs governmental action, and the links between capitalism and the climate crisis.

Bio Food: Poster and Campaign

Willi (Germany)

Poster and online campaign to debunk some of the biggest myths of Climate Change… Organic food is good for your health, but is it always good for the planet?

Do you want to read more? Check this out: 

R-Activa R-Esiste  

Jorge (Chile)

The recovery of public spaces in our neighborhoods of the city is an important task due to different factors, especially due to the deficit of green areas in our city and the fight against micro-garbage dumps. The micro dumps, a consequence of a bad public policy on household waste, especially plastics and rubble, added to the scarce education in environmental material, cause negative spaces in our neighborhood coexistence, affecting children, young people and the elderly.


De-growth Manchester Zine

Maddy and Neriya (UK)

Organised by Maddie and Neriya in the UK. Zine exploring the historical links of Climate Change in the city of Manchester and the effects it has now on the city and its population. 

Climate Change and conflict  

#ClimateChange #RacialJustice 

Loukmanou (Mali) 

The extent of climate change has led us to reflect on several phenomena. From the impact on nature to the impact on people in societies. Climate change has very often led us to conflicts between men because of green land or exploitable water. Hence my theme (climate change, conflicts between pastoralist communities and farming communities). 

Loukmanou worked with 12 people made up of 6 young girls, 4 young men and 2 adults both men 

Climate walk in Vienna 

Emil, Lukas, and Simon (Austria)


The Vienna Climate Walk of the Red Falcons Vienna is intended to point out the connections between the small steps and the major changes in the fight against climate change. For this we have selected several stations that, as locations of large companies, symbolize this. We wish you a lot of fun and hope that you learn a lot! 

Resist! the Global Climate Divide and all local activities have been implemented with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.


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