The Resolutions and Work Plan Commission for the XXVIII Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI would like to share with you the consultation for the next Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 to get your input and thoughts to shape the work of the movement in the next three years and beyond. There are options for individuals to complete the consultation - from inside and outside of IFM-SEI - as well as organisations (one per organisation). It's important for us to get the views of as many people and organisations as possible.

Completing the consultation

The survey consists of 17-20 questions and will take 10-30 minutes to complete. The deadline for completing the consultation is Wednesday 13 February 2019. The consultation is available in English, Spanish and French, which can be accessed by following the links below.

All completed submissions will be entered into a prize draw (optional) where the winner will win a goodie bag of IFM-SEI merchandise.

Consultation questions

In order to support you to complete the consultation, you can find all of the questions below to guide your preparation.

There is a set of optional question on the governance of IFM-SEI at the end of the survey for all individual respondents. We would encourage you to complete them if you have feedback give us on our decision-making bodies and structures.

Next steps

After the consultation closes on 13 February 2019, the Resolutions and Work Plan Commission for the XXVIII Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI will bring together all of the input alongside other data gathered.

A draft one of Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 will be distributed to IFM-SEI member organisations on 28 March 2019, for a consultation period of three weeks until 18 April 2019 for feedback.

The draft two will be distributed on 26 April 2019, which will be open to amendments in line with the IFM-SEI Constitution and Rules of Procedure.


  • 13 February 2019: consultation survey closes
  • 28 March 2019: distribution of Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 draft one for feedback
  • 18 April 2019: deadline for feedback on draft one
  • 26 April 2019:  distribution of Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 draft two for amendments
  • 17 May 2019: deadline for amendments on draft two
  • 28 June 2019 (10pm): deadline for amendments to the amendments on the Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 draft two

Questions or feedback?

If you have any questions, queries or feedback for us we would be very happy to hear it. You can contact the Resolutions and Work Plan Commission, which is responsible for the development process of the IFM-SEI Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 development process by sending an email to

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