IMG_9210On Wednesday 3rd August, the IFM-SEI international camp took its ideals, values and ideas of the ‘other world’ to the streets of Nuremberg.

We demonstrated through the streets of Nuremberg with banners, the colourful flags of our organisations, songs and chants to demand a world free from capitalism, with peace, social justice, equality, solidarity, children’s rights.

The demonstration concluded at the Falken Tower in the city centre where there was a cultural programme of music and dance in the garden terrace and Spielmobil games on the square below.


At 4pm everyone gathered for the Mayor of Nuremberg, an old Falcon member, to give a speech and for representatives to present our ideals and demands in German, English, French and Spanish.

These political demands were developed by children and young in the dozens of workshops, games and discussions on the camp’s core themes: children’s rights, democracy and participation, women and trans*, peace, equality and socialism, rainbow, anti-racism and anti-fascism, and co-operation:

• We demand a world where solidarity, and friendship and blue skies are held above profit and violence and where no one has to live in fear.
• We demand women’s right to equal pay and an end to patriarchy.
• We demand governments to take action to prevent and combat violence against women.
• We demand that racism is no longer accepted in our society.
• We demand equal human rights for LGBTIQ people.
• We demand a world that recognizes and supports the participation of children, young people and minority groups in decision-making processes in families, schools, and communities and on all levels of society.
• We demand open borders without visa restrictions, so that children and young people can fully participate in international activities, sharing and learning with one another.
• We demand peaceful childhoods and a healthy environment for all children, no matter their origin or background.
• We demand that children and young people living in conflicts are not forgotten, no matter how far away the conflict seems from us.
• We demand that Sinti and Roma can live wherever they want without having to face discrimination, racism and poverty.
• We demand a stop of racist asylum policies and closed borders. All refugees are welcome and the human rights of all must be respected.
• We demand a world free from capitalism, with equality and social justice for everyone around the world.

You can also read all of the demands in German, Spanish and French.


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