Welcome to the IFM-SEI Centenary Celebration page!
This page is created for you to learn more about the birth and evolution of IFM-SEI since its inception in 1922 and how the organization has changed from then to the present day. Yes, in 1922, which means that in 2022 IFM-SEI celebrates its centenary!!
We are approaching a milestone in our organisational history as we approach the 100 years anniversary of IFM-SEI. Centenary celebration is a strategic priority in our Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2020. We aim to have the Centenary celebration a focal point on the 100 years celebration of IFM-SEI in 2022, marking 100 years the conception of the movement in 1922 through the Socialist International. This is an opportunity to look back on the last 100 years and look forward to the future development of our movement.
The centenary is the perfect time to share our understanding, experiences and memories around IFM-SEI and this is something our members young and old can engage with. We want to reach as many of our young members as possible, regardless of what level of the movement they are involved with and no matter how long they have been a member. We want children and young people across the world to understand what IFM-SEI, how it can impact them and the knowledge they are part of a global socialist community. Fun will be at the heart of our centenary celebrations and we want all our children and young people to be part of it!
Introduction Video
Click this link to see the video created especially for the centenary celebration of IFM-SEI
Celebration Development Activity Booklet
As said, IFM-SEI is in the process of developing its Centenary Celebration in 2022, and we want YOU to contribute to it! We’re not talking about just board members or those already active in IFM-SEI – we want everyone from our member organisations to have the opportunity to contribute. We want to know which activities, educational themes and campaigns IFM-SEI should be focusing on for the centenary in order to spread our values of equality, democracy, peace, cooperation and friendship further around the world. And have a great celebration for our 100 years birthday in 2022.
Find the activity pack here: English, Spanish, French.
Now...we would LOVE to hear from you!
At the IFM-SEI Congress XXIX, the members of IFM-SEI celebrated 100 years together as an organization. This began with IFM-SEI President Christina Schauer presenting a short history of IMF-SEI with photos from the IFM-SEI archive. Here, members were able to see... Participants of the E-mpACT & Journey of Youth Leadership joint kick-off meeting celebrated IFM-SEI's centenary in what is our third satellite celebration. Here, the partners of Journey of Youth Leadership and E-mpACT were able to share snacks brought from home. We then worked together to answer a few... Together, the participants of Journey of Youth Leadership Good Governance week and the Changemakers of Tomorrow Seminar were able to celebrate the IFM-SEI centenary 💯 This began with eating ice cream and sorbet while listening to music and gathering in the main room of our hostel.April Satellite CelebrationApril
May Satellite CelebrationMay
March Satellite CelebrationMarch
June Satellite CelebrationJune
August Satellite CelebrationAugust
IFM-SEI is supported by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme and the Council of Europe’s European Youth Foundation. This website reflects the views only of the author, and neither the Commission nor the Council of Europe can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Rue Joseph II 120, Brussels B-1000, Belgium