Do you want to know more? Every Tuesday we will be celebrating #QueerTuesday, by posting a rainbow collage with colourful […]
Resist! Toolit is here! The following toolkit contains non-formal educational activities for youth and children on Climate Change with an […]
Interested to know what IFM-SEI is fighting for? Well, on this page, you will find some of the projects we […]
*Español abajo*  Resist! The Global Climate Divide is a project that focuses on Climate Change from an intersectional perspective. As part […]
How is Gender connected to Climate Change? Check some of the nice local activities that the 21 participants form Resist! […]
The ongoing climate crisis is a huge threat today. Increasingly minorities, including young people, people of colour, womxn and people […]
Deutsch unten / Français en bas / Español debajo Who run the world: Girls*. Women* perform 12 billion hours of unpaid care work worldwide every year including the majority of cleaning, changing nappys, cooking, doing laundry, providing emotional support, and more. Without this work the world would stand still.   If one were to economically value this work, it would be worth $10.8 trillion. That is three times the value of the entire IT sector!1  In Germany only if the minimum wage were paid for every hour of care work the countries GDP would be one third higher. But care work is unpaid, despite being vital, […]
On 20 March 2021, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced Turkey’s withdrawal from The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing […]
Today, 8 of March, is the International Womxn’s Day. That is why the members of the Feminist Network of IFM-SEI […]
Out of a total of 7.8 billion people in this world, approximately 1.1 billion are girls under age 18. These […]
On this International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, we say NO. A loud and clear NO to […]
The IFM-SEI Feminist Network is up and running and wants to be able to provide more to our member organisations. […]
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