IFM-SEI is celebrating the Pride And Visibility Month with an online pride parade and a queer game event on the 29th!

Do you want to know more?

  1. Every Tuesday we will be celebrating #QueerTuesday, by posting a rainbow collage with colourful pictures of IFM-SEI members and volunteers! If you want to participate, send us a picture by direct message on Facebook or Instagram or an email at with you in your favourite rainbow colour!
  2. Join our International Queer Game Event on the 29th of June... Here the form to register.
  3. Join our Rainbow network and fight for LGTBQIA+ rights!!


To commemorate the Stonewall Riots, a milestone in the fight of LGTBQIA+ rights and a symbol of pride and empowerment, we published a post about the history of the movement. Here it is:


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