We want to commemorate October 17 by thinking about how we can achieve greater respect for Human Rights, including Children’s Rights and dignity for people living in poverty. 

For almost a century, IFM-SEI has been dedicated to the principle of anti-capitalism. We believe that the capitalist system that our society is based on creates inequality. Those suffering the most from inequality are children living in poverty, who lack opportunities to develop their potential. In our work, we challenge the notion that competition is a characteristic of human relations and fight for alternative economic models that will bridge the gap between rich and poor and emphasize solidarity, dialogue and partnership. IFM-SEI believes that we are only able to eradicate all forms of exploitation and end poverty once capitalism is defeated.

Goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to end poverty. According to the UN, people living in poverty experience many intersectional problems that are related to each other, and would prevent people living in poverty to achieve their rights! 

However, under the world pandemic poverty is increasing. The pandemic is not just a health crisis, but a devastating social and economic crisis over the past months.  The one influenced the most are people who suffer from poverty. Children are one of the groups that are directly affected by the pandemic.


We can’t live in a world where an estimated 385 million children live in extreme poverty

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) recognizes the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Poverty is a big strain for children to realise their rights! 

We want to underline to all politicians and decisions makers all around the globe, poverty is a denial of children’s human rights. We demand that the people in positions of responsibility and power be legally bound to promote, protect and fulfil children’s rights. 

Join the UN #EndPoverty global campaign

Everyone can join the campaign on social media by using hashtag #EndPoverty and promoting the call to action to connect with people from around the world who have joined the fight to overcome poverty. 


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