A virtual International Committee will take place on Sunday 2 December 2018 at 1pm (Central European Time) via an online conferencing system. All member and candidate organisations are invited to send delegates to this meeting. This meeting will take place in the framework of the XXVIII Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI, which will take place on 28-29 June 2019. The primary purpose of this meeting is to:

• Decide on the rules of procedure of the Congress

• Appoint a Mandates Commission of three people to advise Congress of the number of delegates, allocated votes and to record the elections

• Ratify the election by the Presidium of a Nominations Commission of five people to receive and check the nominations for the different posts of IFM-SEI.

Why do we need this?

In line with the IFM-SEI Constitution (2016), it is required to have virtual International Committee meeting to agree the following in the  Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI:

6.7  The International Committee shall, six months before the opening of Congress, decide on the rules of procedure of the Congress and appoint a Mandates Commission of 3 people to advise Congress of the number of delegates, allocated votes and to record the elections. The Mandates Commission must include at least one woman. The Congress must ratify decisions of the International Committee.

6.8  The International Committee shall ratify the election by the Presidium of a Nominations Commission of five people. The Commission shall receive and check the nominations for the different posts of IFM-SEI. The Nominations Commission shall play no role in deciding the outcome of the election, but should ensure it is fair, open and conducted according to IFM-SEI rules and principles.

Joining the meeting

The meeting will take place through an online conference platform, the details of which will be sent to all official contacts of IFM-SEI member and candidate organisations via email one week before the virtual International Committee. These contacts are those submitted to the IFM-SEI secretariat through the MO info form. If your organisational contacts have changed, you may send or request a new MO info form by emailing contact@ifm-sei.org. We kindly ask for member organisations to share the meeting joining details with their allocated representatives. 

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