On 5-7 October, youngsters aged between 13-18 gathered to develop future work plan in Nuoret Kotkat (NKK) in Helsinki. After getting to know each other, participants discussed and agreed on objectives for the weekend.

Youth congress received video greetings from Jasmin Trogen, EVS volunteer at IFM-SEI Secretariat. Jasmin shared her own story about her path in Nuoret Kotkat organisation and how she got to be an EVS volunteer at the IFM-SEI secretariat. Participants also watched video greetings from two previous youth delegates Lida and Laura. They shared their thoughts about two years as youth delegates in NKK’s highest decision-making body called Representatives Meeting and encouraged the future youth delegates on their work.



During the weekend, youth congress participants focused on how NKK works as an organisation and how it should be developed. Everyone agreed that work between districts should be increased and information about activities should be shared more. International youth leader exchange popped up again. Youngsters want to have an opportunity for an international exchange project between Falcon organisations. And kids opinions should be listened more and give them the opportunity to participate in planning camps or club activities.

NKK Central board had their own meeting at the same time with the youth congress. Central board and young congress had a session together, where these topics were introduced to the central board by the youth congress participants. They had good discussion together about the topics and some tips and action ideas were heard. NKK organisation structure was also introduced during that session to youth participants by NKK executive director Antti Hytti.

There was also a planned session in the weekend’s program about social media and marketing. Youth participants got the chance to give their feedback on improving the Kotkaviesti magazine, use of social media and NKK website. Lots of games were also played during the weekend.

Youth congress chose new youth delegates for NKK representative board: Jesse Ojala (14), Paula Salonen (14) and Krista Tofferi (17).

NKK youth congress is being organised every two years by NKK education working group, which is in charge of national educational events and material.  We congratulate our new board and can’t wait for upcoming activities of our youth delegates !




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