Holiday seasons in Cameroon are generally the most relaxed yet the most vulnerable for young people especially girls who easily get into trouble since they have so much time and no school to keep them busy. Then, what should be done to keep them busy while having fun during such seasons?




During this long holiday period, Girls Excel (GE), an organisation whose aim is to empower and educate, organises holiday clubs for kids. They saw the need to get young people in the community actively involved with informal educational activities. This is the first holiday club organised by GE, and we are glad to say that the turnout was very impressive and grew larger as the days went by. It is worth mentioning that the GE holiday clubs are an extension of the Girls Excel Mentoring (GEM) Clubs project implemented by Girls Excel and funded by the Pollination project in the South West Region of Cameroon.


Having worked on the GEM clubs just with girls and during school period, we saw the need to have a club during the holidays open to both boys and girls below 11-years-old. These young people received information about their rights and obligations, leadership, team building, hygiene, and sanitation as well as reproductive health education. On the last session of the club, GE gave books, pens, pencils, and other educational materials to the club members as a symbol that GE encourages and supports education. We can’t wait for the next holidays to come so that we can organise edition of Girls Excel clubs.

Girls Excel



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