group buildingHave you recently set up a completely new group or organisation that you would like to grow? Or would like to start a new group but don’t quite know how to begin or lack the relevant experience? Alternatively, has your existing group been struggling lately? Suffering membership loss? Is it challenging to find or select group leaders? Or perhaps, find it difficult to plan a structured programme of activities?

It could be really useful and worthwhile for your group to have an outside view from other volunteers who have been in your situation to gain new perspectives and help you to overcome these challenges. Working together with our team of Group Matters Experts, who can provide you with invaluable advice, guidance and training for the whole team of volunteers.

What: A four-day workshop with your organisation, delivered by an IFM-SEI volunteer

When: Between September and December 2016, you can choose a date!

How: Send us a short application and we’ll get in touch with you. You just have to provide board and lodging for the trainer who will visit you. Their travel costs will be paid by a grant of the European Youth Foundation.

The experienced volunteer who comes to your group will spend time communicating with your organisation beforehand to understand your specific challenges and to prepare relevant workshops for your volunteers. They will also be available to assist you after the visit to help follow up the plans and ensure your group begins to thrive.

If your group would be interested in receiving the tailor made support from an IFM-SEI Group Matters Expert, then please send the application form to;


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