Women’s and Youngsters’ Empowerment in Society

Nueva Generación recently organised a workshop and a series of activities on women’s and youngsters empowerment in society. During this event, participants engaged in a critical reflection on how to behave without inhibition or embarrassment. The idea supporting this activity is to challenge the representation of women in society. During the workshop, we witnessed that girls are more eager to promote their ideas and take leading positions. We could also observe the growing interest of participants in the theme of the event. At the end of the activity, we got to encouraging results.

Some youngsters were presented as a source of inspiration and role-model to the others.

Nueva2 I want to be in a violence-free couple

This campaign is primarily directed to teenagers and young people. We will be working with them for several years, listening to their experience on violence in relationships. If we look at the statistics in Bolivia, we notice that 8 out of 10 young people are subject to violence in their relationships. We believe that it is time to raise awareness of young people about this issue. Violence does not start when one gets married or when they become adults; it does not start when one accepts to have a partner, regardless of age or experience you have. It starts before all of that.

Therefore Nueva Generación is combating all violence towards women and is organising together with the local municipality a campaign that will start in October 2015 with a fair for the diffusion of information concerning this problem. We intend to use butterfly-shaped flyers which are a symbol of the duration of romantic love. This activity will end with a protest march.

Article written by Annelise Choque.


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