Not happy about the sex education you or your peers have received? Do you feel that different bodies and identities […]
EDIT: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the venue and dates of these activities have been amended since this article was written. The […]
May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Trans*phobia and Interphobia, IDAHOT for short. We want to use this […]
In Mundo Nuevo we started to use IFM-SEI’s Rainbow Resources – Compasito Companion on Sexuality and Gender. We consider these topics […]
The second edition of Rainbow Resources is now available, with new and updated content! You can find it online in […]
This year’s Queer Easter seminar will take place from 30 March to 6 April in the KLH close to Berlin. Queer Easter is […]
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