In February, members of the Common Ground board from Woodcraft Folk met for a day meeting in Manchester. It was […]
Some weeks ago we announced that the next IFM-SEI Camp is going to be hosted by Woodcraft Folk in the […]
Dear IFM members, We want to thank you for the wonderful IFM-Camp we created together. Two weeks we lived in […]
For two wonderful weeks, 2500 members from IFM-SEI organisations across the globe lived and learned together in international solidarity at our camp […]
On Wednesday 3rd August, the IFM-SEI international camp took its ideals, values and ideas of the ‘other world’ to the streets of Nuremberg. […]
It’s up to every single participant to create ‘another world’ at the IFM-SEI camp this summer. One of the most […]
Excitement is building with only one month to go until the biggest event of IFM’s calendar! Here you can find the most […]
The booking deadline for the IFM-SEI Camp ‘Welcome to another World’ has passed and so the camp this summer is […]
International camps are a great way to connect with like-minded people from our wider IFM-SEI family. Camping co-operatively with thousands […]
Lots of preparation is underway for the IFM Camp in Germany, and the cultural programme team is very busy acquiring […]
50 international and 60 German participants attended the first camp preparation seminar at Salvador Allende Haus in Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany in October. Participants […]
During the IFM Camp 2016 ‘Welcome to Another World’, there will be eight theme tents with programme running for the […]
At the IFM-SEI Camp 2016, everyone will camp in villages which will be made up of two or more groups […]
Here is how you can join the IFM-SEI camp prep seminar. You are bringing a delegation to the IFM Camp […]
I am Rudy from the Rode Valken in Belgium. I am aged sixty and live in Schoten, a municipality near to Antwerp, […]
Technical volunteers wanted! To make a big international camp a success, everyone has to contribute – from organizing games to coordinating […]
Friendship and solidarity are two of our main values that guide the work of IFM-SEI and our member organisations. Our […]
The coordinators for the programme areas of the camp have been selected! We received lots of good applications for the […]
The IFM-SEI Camp 2015 participation fees have been set! The countdown to the IFM Camp 2016 can start – only one year left! From […]
You need money to get to the IFM-SEI Camp? Then have a look in our fundraising guide and get your […]
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