Educational Resources

Our educational resources are developed as part of bigger projects and edited as a collection of activities and games surrounding a thematic topic related to the aims and principles of IFM-SEI. These resources offer educators - group leaders, peer educators or teachers - lots of easy-to-use activities as well as an introduction to the topic. All publications have two parts - an introduction offering background information, food for thoughts and tips for educators - and an activity part with descriptions of educational methods for different age groups. You can use them in group nights, on seminars and camps, in non-formal and formal education settings. Most of our educational resources are translated into numerous languages. You can download all of our educational resources for free and request hard copies on the Educational Resources page


Our toolkits are shorter handbooks that have been produced by IFM-SEI on a sub-topic of our work with issues with tips, background information and educational materials on a certain topic. The vision and content are usually created by groups of volunteers that are passionate and engaged on a given topic. Our toolkits are available for free download only. You can download all of our toolkits on our Toolkits page


On the reports page, you can find the annual reports of IFM-SEI and three-year reports from IFM-SEI. You can also find the reports of study sessions we have delivered in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe at the European Youth Centres in Budapest and Strasbourg. You can find all of the documents on the Reports page.

Other Publications

You can find all publications that do not fit the above categories on the Other Publications page. These include zines, research reports and more.

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