Working Together For Peace

What is this project about?

Working together for peace is an activity for 50 youth workers from differnt organisations that will take place in Utøya, Norway. The training will study in depth the three levels of peace education: inner, relational and global. Peace education is a crucial issue for creating a more equal, just and sustainable world. Youth workers act as a critical voice to demand accountability from governments and policy makers, providing a space for education and critical thinking and launching the struggle for peace in our societies.
Participants will explore the realities and different levels in relation to the issue, share good practices, participate in capacity building training and present their own action plans and workshops. This will raise awareness of the importance of promoting peace values education at all levels.


1. To identify the importance of peace education to build sustainable, just, and supportive societies.
2. To explore the barriers that voluntary organisations face in promoting these values and to propose mechanisms to help them in their mission.
2. Analyse realities inside and outside Europe, share experiences and reflect on the causes and consequences of conflict.

3. To highlight the importance and raise awareness of self-care and inner peace
4. To equip youth workers with basic competences to be peace advocates and to conduct workshops on the topic.
5. Create tangible and lasting resources to ensure sustainability of the project and access to materials by youth workers interested in peace education.


WTP Documentary

Manual on peace education and the three levels of Peace

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.