Workshop - Kinderrechte in AfrikaThe IFM-SEI Camp is approaching and preparations are in full swing!
We are now looking for people interested in contributing to the Media Space. There are many different roles available and you or someone you know might be perfectly suited for one of them!

The Media Space will be an important part of the IFM-SEI Camp. Besides from being a way of telling people what’s happening throughout the camp, platforms such as the camp newspaper, TV, radio and social networks enable participants to express their opinions on matters related to the camp itself and to its themes. The Media Space is also meant to be a place to think about media in a critical way and to spread awareness about the importance of communication to build the world we dream of!

It’s an exciting opportunity to have an open and welcoming space for active participation from any camp participant, through the production of content in many different forms (articles, photographs, drawings, poems, videos, social media posts etc.). There, everyone will be able to have their voices heard and to learn about the power of communication for social change.

But all this won’t be possible without your help! We need people to facilitate workshops and help with translations, for example. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the success of the camp, to meet many interesting people from all around the world, to help give these people a voice, to contribute to more media literacy and to acquire new competencies.

Want to join us? See which one of these roles suits you best: video production

1. Workshop facilitator: media analysis
2. Workshop facilitator: content production
3. Workshop translator
4. Article translator
5. Newspaper editor
6. Newspaper designer
7. Photographer
8. Cameraperson

You can find the call here which has more information about each of these roles. Please share it as widely as possible in your organisations and talk to anyone who could be interested.

If you are interested in getting involved, email Frankie ( and/or Luisa ( before April 30th. The sooner, the better! It would be great to meet you and discuss some things at the camp preparation seminar at the beginning of May, but you’re very welcome to get involved after then as well.
If you have any questions about the roles or the camp preparation in general, don’t hesitate to ask!

And if you want to get involved in the camp in other ways, don’t forget that you can contribute to all of the theme tents by offering workshops as well!



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