As part of the ‘I Act’ project, we are inviting IFM-SEI members to attend a Training for Trainers course, looking especially at preventing sexual violence in our organisations.

‘I Act’ is IFM-SEI’s work plan project for the prevention of sexual violence, funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

The project is based on the bystander model of violence prevention. It aims to educate IFM-SEI members to reflect on our privileges and organisational power structures, identify situations that could lead to sexual violence, and intervene to prevent it.

Who? Active members of an IFM-SEI organisation in one of the Council of Europe member states. You should have some experience of facilitating or leading a group, be confident working in English, and have the motivation and commitment to work on the topic.

What? A week-long training for trainers on the prevention of sexual violence.

When? 8th – 15th May 2017

Where? Darsham Country Centre, Suffolk, UK

Why? Because sexual violence happens in our movement and we all have a part to play in preventing it. We want to help group helpers and leaders to be sensitive to the topic, reflect on issues of power and privilege, know how to recognise sexual violence and educate our young members about taking action to prevent sexual violence. Individuals taking action can lead to a greater culture change in our organisations!

During the week we will:

  • look at patterns of sexual violence and think about how to identify it
  • analyse power structures in relation to sexual violence
  • learn about the bystander model of violence prevention
  • come up with methods to put the bystander model into practice and work on the topic of sexual violence in our organisations

Participants of the training course will act as multipliers, taking ownership of the project by:

  • developing educational resources to work on the topic with young people and children
  • think of methods of educating on the bystander model and putting it into practice
  • going back to their own organisation with ideas about tackling sexual violence in their relevant context
  • contributing to an online platform with more campaign materials and resources
  • getting involved in an international day of action

Accommodation and board will be provided for the duration of the event and all reasonable travel costs and visa costs will be reimbursed. There will be participation fee for the event:

  • 60€ for participants from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
  • 30€ for participants from Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey

Apply to participate in the Training for Trainers by filling in this application form and sending an email to office@ifm-sei.org with a reference from your organisation and a letter which answers the following questions:

  • What is your involvement in your organisation?
  • What experience do you have as a trainer, facilitator or group helper?
  • What is your motivation to attend the ‘I Act’ Training for Trainers on sexual violence?
  • Please describe three key skills you think you can bring to the training.

Deadline for applications: 3rd March 2017


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