During the IFM Camp 2016 ‘Welcome to Another World’, there will be eight theme tents with programme running for the whole two weeks and everyone will have the opportunity to contribute to the programme.

Camp1Each of the following themes has its own programme coordinator and will have its own tent in the central area where people can drop in at any time, get information about the topic, hang out, do spontaneous activities…. If you want to contribute to an area, you can always contact these great coordinators:

Democracy and participation – Delphine (OGCEYOD) delphinekonda@gmail.com

Peace – Majd (Independent Youth Union) – majdakram.samhan@hotmail.com

Rainbow – Amina (Kinderfreunde Austria/ Rainbow Network) rainbow@ifm-sei.org

Co-operation – Laurie (Woodcraft Folk) cannell.laurie@gmail.com

Equality and socialism – Yaara (Hashomer Hatzair) yaarulz@gmail.com

Anti-racism and anti-fascism – Eveliene (SJD – Die Falken) evelieneveen@gmail.com

Women and trans* – Constanza (Fundacion Acacia), conny09@gmail.com

Children’s rig­hts – Itziar (Esplac) iperez@esplac.cat

One of the most important and exciting parts of the IFM Camp 2016 is the educational programme, and organised workshops are one of the main parts of this. And we can’t do this without you!

LJV summer 2014We want there to be fun, educational programme for every single participant, regardless of their age, knowledge, or abilities. There should be different types of workshops based on nonformal education methods. Workshops should look at the programme theme from different angles, should link to the wider work of IFM-SEI and be based on the values of our movement. This could mean games, theatre, simulations, discussions… Previous IFM camps have had workshops like simulation games about asylum seeking, role plays about gender stereotypes, cooperative storytelling, discussions about globalisation, setting up a campaign against child exploitation – the possibilities are endless!

We want to have workshops planned for the different age categories; under 12, 12 – 15, and 15+. But within these age groups, there might be workshops more suitable for 5 –7 year olds, or for 16 and 17 year olds. Workshops are generally 1 ½ – 2 hours long but if you have an idea for a workshop that would only last ½ hour then that’s fine too! Remember the camp is 2 weeks long and there will be the opportunity to run workshops more than once.

workshop train for change We would like to include more creative workshops which are not so language-focused, and having workshop leaders from different member organisations and with different native languages is important so that the programme can be accessible for everyone.

You might have just one concrete idea of a tried and tested activity that works really well and you would like to offer to the camp programme. Or you might want to get really involved in the team for one of the theme tents. You don’t even have to have any concrete ideas at all, just some enthusiasm to make the IFM Camp 2016 brilliant. Think about how you can contribute, get in touch with the programme coordinators, and fill in the IFM Camp programme contribution form!


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