The aims and principles of IFM-SEI are the guiding principles for our global movement and our member organisations. These are fundamental to our organisations and sit at the core of our educational work.
We are a feminist organisation fighting against patriarchy and for equality of all genders. We reject the gender binary and recognise there are more than two genders. We educate for equal rights and awareness of gender stereotypes, discrimination and privileges.
Equality & Inclusion
We educate and campaign for an inclusive and equal society. Therefore, we combat any kind of discrimination such as fascism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, trans*phobia and misogyny within and outside of our organisations.
Non-Formal Education
Education is the most powerful tool to achieve social change. Through non-formal education, we create a space for children and young people to develop critical awareness and empower them to challenge the inequalities in our world.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus.
The mission of IFM-SEI is to contribute to the education of young people, through socialist values and non-formal education, enabling children and young people to become critical thinkers and active decision-makers in their lives and communities. We believe that through empowering our members to bring about smaller, local changes we can bring about a bigger, further reaching change in society – we call this education for social change.