On this Labor Day, we, members of the International Falcon Movement- Socialist Education International (IFM-SEI), stand together in solidarity to honour the tireless struggles and enduring spirit of the working class.

Today, we, members of IFM-SEI celebrate the victories achieved through collective action and remember the sacrifices made for workers’ rights across the world.

As we reflect on the rich history of labor movements, we recognise that our fight is far from over. The challenges of economic inequality, workers’ rights violations, and unfair labor practices persist, demanding our continued vigilance and activism.

We, members of IFM-SEI call upon the youth of the world to join us in this ongoing struggle, to organise, to educate, and to mobilise for a future where economic justice is not a privilege but a fundamental right for all.

Together, we are powerful. Together, we can transform societies. Let us step forward with renewed commitment on this Labor Day, inspired by the past and motivated by a vision of a world where every worker receives their rightful share of respect, dignity, and prosperity. Forward to a brighter, fairer future for all workers around the globe!



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