Kids Got Rights! Check-in Meeting 

March 10-13 Barcelona, Catalonia 

The Kids Got Rights! Project recently held their check-in meeting in Barcelona, Catalonia. Here, the Kids Got Rights! Superheroes and officers came together to discuss the impact they are making and the future of the project. During the weekend, the children spoke extensively about participation and their impact over the course of this project. 

“Time is needed to truly participate” 

The weekend was full of fun games and activities for participants to get to know each other. In collaboration with the University of Barcelona research team, everyone got to tour the city and explore their role in the promotion of children’s rights worldwide. The children discussed their rights in wartime and the impact they can make on their own communities. From these observations, everyone began to conceptualise how they could map this impact onto a larger scale and initiate global change from their own organisations.  

Together, participants discussed the project, reflecting on what has been impactful thus far. Afterwards, the children used these observations to inform future steps of the project. Working as a group, participants weighed in on what they want to see in the project going forward and how that could be done.  

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”Nguyễn Thu Trang, quoted by participant


To wrap up, everyone was able to share food and games from their own countries and take part in celebrating the 100th anniversary of IFM-SEI. Over the course of the weekend, participants were able to complete a mid-term evaluation through reporting and monitoring on their experiences in the project. This allowed the children to vocalise what they want in the future of Kids Got Rights! In a just few weeks, the superheroes and group leaders will come together again in Austria for the International Kid’s Hubs! Keep up with the event in real-time by following our social media @ifmsei ❤️ 


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