Today we are celebrating international womxn’s day. We at IFM-SEI believe in gender equality, we believe that every human matters, even in the most critical moments in life.

Crises in the world have a big influence on everyone. Crises increase inequality and the ones affected the most are womxn and children.

We in IFM-SEI want to stand in solidarity in this day with the womxn from Ukraine and all other conflict places, as we are celebrating international womxn day, we would like to take a moment to show womxn solidarity everywhere.

In the year 2014 75% of the people in need of humanitarian help were womxn. Still womxn are put in the background and their needs are forgotten. Even though there are many ways to receive aid, womxn’s place in the community can weaken their access to aid, food and water.
Crises increase the violence against womxn. Corona pandemic increased the violence against womxn in their homes for 30%
Crises increase unpaid chores for womxn. They need to care for the sick, food and water.
Majority of the people living in extreme poverty are womxn. Climate crisis affects their lives and puts them into difficulties when they don’t have the opportunities to adapt to the changes.
Insecurity on finance, future and care often occur

There is growing recognition of the importance of womxn’s participation in humanitarian action and in leadership roles. Research shows that there is a lead to better outcomes and lower risks when womxn take part in the prevention and crisis response.

Without gender equality, a safe, lasting and equal future is impossible to achieve.

A lot has been done but the work continues. IFM-SEI’s aim is to promote our values and educate all people. We believe in a fair society and encourage all people to raise their voices and act on an equal future for all, every day.


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