Today, December 10th, 2021 IFM-SEI like organisations defending and promoting universal rights celebrates Universal Declaration of Human Rights day. A symbolic and meaningful day for what it represents of course.

 It is celebrated not only to magnify the promotion and protection of human rights but also to remind, prevent and take more coherent, accessible and non-discriminatory steps to preserve cohabitation and existence today and in the future. Its celebration is also marked by various activities to take stock of what has and has not worked and what should be considered for the future.

 Regarding this year’s theme “Digital equity for all ages”.

Can we really talk about equity in its true meaning?

Can we talk about equity when there is purchasing power everywhere and in everything?

Can we talk about equity when others starve millions of tons of food are being dumped?

Can we talk about equity when those who really want to be vaccinated are deprived of the vaccine or not enough?

Can we talk about equity when those who are responsible for maintaining order are making disorder?

Can we talk about equity when capitalism is or is felt in everything?

We, members of the International Falcon Movement Socialists Educational International wish to draw your attention to the ultimate need to change strategies or toughen laws against those who abuse human rights or who do not keep their promises in relation to the conventions and texts that they have ratified.

After 73 years of memories

After 73 years of reminders

After 73 years of commitment

After 73 years of struggling

After 73 years of commemorations

After 73 years of distinctions and awards

After 73 years of protests

After 73 years of hope

What shall we keep from this symbolic day?

What has worked?

What behaviour or approach to take?

What should we remember from the past 7 decades?

What should we implement to remedy the shortcomings?

What should we do to promote Human Rights understanding and implementation?

These are questions on which IFM-SEI and its member organisations are highly thinking of and interested in, and which deserve to be answered in order to remedy the shortcomings Human Rights implementation has suffered so far after 7 decades.

IFM-SEI is an anti-capitalist organisation and determined to annihilate capitalism in all its forms.

IFM-SEI is a committed socialist organisation that existed two decades before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and has since begun to defend and promote human rights.

We are convinced that together we can and must succeed, that’s why we acknowledge and encourage our member organisations for their efforts to get involved in and continue what they have started.


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