Are you an expert in designing and creating toolkits and would like to help other young people build these capacities?

IFM-SEI is looking for expert trainers for the fourth stage of Dream our G->Local Movement – Capacity building and creative toolkit development workshop. As a trainer, you will have the opportunity to broaden the knowledge of participants on the practical tools they need to create an inclusion and diversity within volunteering and campaigning toolkit as well as working on the content and design of the finished product.

Who are we?

The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI) is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people to take an active role in society and fight for their rights. We are an umbrella organisation for child and youth-led movements all over the world, educating on the basis of our values of equality, democracy, peace, co-operation, solidarity and friendship. Through our member organisations and our international activities, we aim to ensure that children and young people are well informed about their rights and are empowered to ensure they are respected. To reach this goal, we organise a variety of activities including seminars, training courses, international camps and conferences.

What is Dream Our G->Local Movement?

The main aim Dream our G->LOCAL Movement is to reflect on our own practices regarding accessibility and inclusion and find ways to improve our movement. Together with other organisations working with underserved youth and children, we will support a young generation of youth workers to develop accessible and inclusive approaches to engage in youth work locally, nationally and internationally.

More specifically, the main objectives of the project are:

  1. Identify the ways in which youth work is inaccessible and exclusionary to marginalised youth on local, national and international levels by identifying whose voices are not represented and the reason that it is difficult to engage and retain volunteers from marginalised and underserved communities.
  2. Strengthen collaborations and partnerships between youth organisations to share good practices across the sector and promote inclusive and sustainable youth engagement.
  3. Deliver a training to young people that builds an understanding of the relevance of local activism in addressing global issues and enable youth to facilitate global to local activities.
  4. Support young people in implementing a g-local campaign to widen their organisational reach to engage underserved youth


More detailed information and registration link can be found here.

Apply before 31 October 2021.


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