IFM-SEI stands for Children’s and Young People’s Rights! So we couldn’t leave Resist! Withouth exploring first the impacts of the Climate Crisis and the rights of Children… 

Check out some of the amazing local activities developed by the participants of Resist! 

Making Climate Education for Children accessible, digestible, fun! 

Marla (UK )

Workshop ‘Making Climate Education Accessible and Fun for Children” with Heizal Nagginda. Within this workshop, Heizal shared her experiences and advice on how to engage young people in climate education, how to balance activities with information, how to start delivering climate education workshops for children, and much more.   

Demonstrate your power! 

Papa Ndongo  (Senegal)

The activists of Action Enfance laid their fourth milestone on the RESIST project on Saturday April 3, 2021, by organizing a night procession with lighted torches. The march ended with the Mayor, who made an appointment for Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 3 p.m. at the Town Hall’s deliberation room. 

Plastic pirates on Pirate’s Raid 

Saeed (Norway) 

The world produces more than 400 million tons of plastic every year and the vast majority of plastic products are not recyclable. United Nations published a report estimating that 79% of plastic waste is thrown in landfills, dumps or the environment, while about 12% is incinerated and only 9% recycled.  A trash up collection was organised with the children in the local branches of Fram Fylkingen.



Resist! the Global Climate Divide and all local activities have been implemented with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.




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