Over the past days, tensions and violence have increased in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied West Bank. It started with Palestinian protesters speaking out against the expulsion of the Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah, who have met with brutality and violence from Israeli settlers backed by the government, the Israeli army, and the police. We believe the Israeli army invasion of al aqsa compound and al aqsa mosque while worshipers were praying during the holiest days of Ramadan and attacking the worshipers with stun grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas is violation of human rights. We in IUSY, IFM-SEI, and YES are heartbroken and infuriated by these immense human rights violations and strongly believe in the rights of these families to keep their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. Furthermore, we see the act towards the families in Sheikh Jarrah in the context of cutting off East Jerusalem from Bethlehem and severely undermine future negotiations towards a two-state solution in line with the internationally agreed parameters and our stand to support the two states solution We, as movements that seek peace, adhere to the principles of peaceful co-existence based upon justice and the respect of rights and universal well-being. We are apprehensive about the right-wing and interest groups in each society that profit from this conflict and from nationalism and racism expanding in these societies. We believe that violence only breeds violence, and, consequently, no one wins. Such a cycle of conflict only brings deeper and more prolonged suffering to all those living in Palestine and Israel. We are shocked, heartbroken, and infuriating to see the civilians that were murdered during these attacks especially the children. We unequivocally condemn the military strikes by the Israeli authorities on Gaza, and call on those missiles sent from Gaza onto Israel to desist.

As IUSY, IFM-SEI, and YES, we want to see all parties in this conflict uphold international law and pursue peace, justice, and freedom for everyone living in Palestine and Israel. As Israel is the occupying force and the state that wields unparalleled military power, Israel must bear most responsibility for de-escalating this situation. It is monumentally important that now and always, we as members of IUSY, IFM-SEI, and YES take action against any violent actions, and stand by those who are harmed and disenfranchised.

What can you do:

SOCIAL MEDIA → Use #SaveSheikhJarrah in your social media posts and amplify the voices of the Palestinian protesting for saving the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

EDUCATE → Educate yourself about the situation, the impact of violence on people’s liberation, and the growing traction of right wing organizations involved in such conflicts.

ADVOCATE → Get in touch with your representatives and encourage them to call for non-violence and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and support anti-occupation legislation and the recognition of Palestine as a state.


*This statement was adopted over the explicit rejection of IUSY Vice President Mia Thiel.


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