When capitalists take child labor to justify their injustice and income!

Child labor is never good for the child!


More than 3 decades after adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children’s rights violation is only getting worse. We are outraged to notice that a few days before the celebration of this convention’s 31 anniversary, it came from media that some people claim and argue that child labor may be good for the child.

African Falcon Network and IFM-SEI presidium read with utter rage the articles in the guardian titled “Child labour is exploitation – but the household work I did as a child gave me life skills.”


Child labor is a way to survive from a perverted society

For, No choice Comes to them


Here is a real chance for all of us to stand for and by children to fight against capitalists’ propaganda, and it’s the root of the evil society

In what fetching water, getting firewood, doing the babysitting, playing shepherd, helping on the farm may be good for children

Do you know why children in Africa and elsewhere in the world do what they do as they work alongside their parents?

Do you think children are asked if they are happy or unhappy about what they are doing?

Do you think they are given a choice to say No?

Do you think parents really like to see them in such conditions?

Do you think that in the midst of famine, war, drought, inter and intra community conflicts, loss, and mass exodus of valid arms, choice Come to you?

In the above abnormal issues, it’s like choosing between a worse and worse case.

They might be natural because of the circumstances but not at all Normal, légal, and healthy.

What are you going to do in such a situation?

Would you accept this inflicted on your child?

Do you think this is really a proper transfer of skills or knowledge?

Do you think this is a good thing for the growth of the child?

Do you not think children involve in the above circumstances face issues highlighted in the definition below?


Regarding the International Labor Organization definition of Child labour, “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

In responding to the questions above, you would indeed conclude, Child Labor is nowhere good but what to do if our life depends on it.

Shall we be proud of promoting things that prevent children from enjoying their childhood; that is harmful to their being?

For us, each child has the right and the merit to grow up in conditions ensuring complete growth without violating his dignity.

We are different, but equal!

We are all born equal, but society structures perverted us from receiving equal rights!

We, member of the African Falcon Network, a regional network of IFM-SEI:

  • Condemn this intellectual attempt and capitalist manipulations to promote child labour as a good thing
  • We call for global solidarity to denounce and banish this scourge
  • We call upon the Governments to keep their implementation of the ratified UNCRC

In IFM-SEI, we believe that children do not have to suffer from some adults’ careless and irresponsible decisions. They need to be protected, cared for, and supported to be happy and live their lives to their full potential.

In IFM-SEI, we believe in the fact that the children are the world.

AFN and IFM-SEI have taken note of the ill-treatment of children and entirely condemn this action. Children need to have access to safe spaces where they can grow and live to their full potential.


Stop Child Labour and Child abuse!


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