Today is the international day for the total elimination of Nuclear Weapons!

In IFM-SEI we see this day as an extremely important day, to educate on the importance of the elimination of nuclear weapon, as well as to reaffirm our commitment to a world without nuclear weapons.

In IFM-SEI XXVII ordinary Congress in 2019, Tbilisi. The congress adopted a resolution on prohibiting nuclear weapons.

Check the resolution here.

Here are some words from our member organization Framfylkingen:

Framfylkingen takes action for a sustainable world that is safe for everyone, where children can grow up without fear of severe damage to their lives, their families and their environment.

By doing non-violent activities like folding paper cranes like we did on august 6th) Framfylkingen takes a clear stand against all nuclear weapons. (photos are from three different activities concerning Hiroshima day)

Framfylkingen wants to express our huge worries for the current situation where several countries actually upgrade their nuclear weapons instead of disarming them. Development of smaller tactical nuclear weapons increases the likelihood of use of the weapons, as they no longer are designed only for scaring enemies, but for actual use in battlefields.

Therefore, Framfylkingen supports and wants to contribute in any way we can to the ban and abolition of all nuclear weapons.

What can you do:

  • ● Educate on the importance of the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
  • ● Educate your groups on peace and explain that it would be hard to obtain without the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
  • ● Get in touch with our member Framfylkingen and get inspiration for activities.
  • ● Check if your country is still having a well-funded- long term programme for nuclear weapons.
  • ● Make sure if your country had signed and ratified the UN Treaty that prohibits nuclear weapons.

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