For the first episode of the Resist! the Global Climate Divide podcast, Nadia and Anuschka take you on a deep dive into the intersection of Climate Change and Natural Sciences. A familiar combo, but we are giving it a critical spin!


In the first interview, Nadia asks Christina Schauer,  IFM-SEI President and geography student, how she combines her passions for natural sciences and social change work.

During the second interview with Anuschka, Paul Fleming, Emeritus Professor of Energy Management at De Montfort University, reminds us that science, policymakers and the wider public don't always speak the same languages which stop us from effectively fighting the global climate crisis.

Listen to the episode here!

Climate Change vs Intersectional Femisnim

Our next episode will drop on 15 August and we dive deep on the intersection of Climate Change and Intersectional Feminism. Our guests will be Arya Manandhar, a Nepalese eco-feminist, and Isadora Cardoso, Project Coordinator for Women for Climate Justice.

Want to ask them your questions? Drop them in our Resist! Google form or send us a voice mail via Anchor!

Let us know what YOU want us to cover!

Want to be part of the development of our upcoming podcast episodes? Leave us your suggestions for intersections to cover, experts to contact, questions to ask and resources to share. You can submit them vie our Resist! Google form here.

This podcast is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

European Youth Foundation (EYF) and Counsil of Europe (CoE)

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