Last month, our annual work plan ‘Resist! the Global Climate Divide’ kicked off, thanks to generous support of the Council of Europe’s European Youth Foundation. Resist!’s first activity brought together 20 climate crisis experts, from natural scientists, public health experts and farmers to activists, educators and social scientists. Our experts volunteered a day to participate in a focus group- meaning they sat in a room and exchanged ideas about the climate crisis, answering questions that our steering group team had designed to gather different knowledge and perspectives!

Then, the steering group spent a day designing a dynamic programme for Resist!’s next activity, which will be a training for young climate change activists and educators. Some of the ideas and perspectives that emerged included: mapping the stakeholders in the climate crisis, what is an intersectional approach to thinking about climate change?, degrowth as an alternative to sustainable development, and sharing better activist practices.

If this sounds interesting to you and you want more info about how you can contribute to Resist! please head here!


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