We stand in solidarity with our Member Organisations Ajyal and Hashomer and all those families affected by this cruel act.

Fire at the school & one happy family.

We are sad to announce that the International School of Peace was burned down completely last night, together with the offices of OHF.

In recent weeks, tensions have increased on the island of Lesvos following the struggles between the Greek authorities and its citizens. That came as a result of the opening of enclosed camps in the Aegean islands and the opening of borders by Erdogan, the president of Turkey.

We are still shocked by the pictures of OHF and the School of Peace in flames. And still amazed by all your kind words and messages. Alongside the extreme forces operating in Greece and the island in recent weeks, the school stand in solidarity with the residents of Lesvos who have become neighbors and partners of the school in recent years.

The school was burnt down last night but its strong foundation comes from the tens of thousands of people who passed through its gates, shaped its image, built it together for a better future. The school belongs to all who decide to lift their heads up high, to cling to hope and act, the school belongs to us: students and teachers, people from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Kurdistan, Congo, Somali, Ghana, and Angola who decide day by day to shatter the walls of fear between us, hold hands and work together for peace.

We will not let this stop us. We are looking forward to the future, and hoping to start rebuilding the school and continuing our work..


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