Are you aged 18-30? Do you want to get more active in the educational work of IFM-SEI? Do you have experience working on the topics of youth work, peace education and dialogue between conflicting groups of young people, gender equality and/or climate change?

We are opening the call for 2 content coordinators to plan and facilitate workshops at YO!Fest. IFM-SEI is looking for 2 experienced and motivated educational content coordinators for the upcoming YO!Fest- in partnership with the  European Youth Forum.

The deadline to apply is Friday 15 November 2019 (16:00 CET).

The basics


Every two years, the European Youth Event brings together thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond to share and shape their ideas on the future of Europe. It is a unique opportunity for youth to meet and inspire each other and decision makers right in the heart of European democracy.

Following the event, the ideas, concerns, and hopes from young people are presented in a report distributed to all Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Some participants will also be able to further develop the most impactful ideas and present these directly to the Members of the European Parliament in the parliamentary committees during “Youth Hearings”.

A delegation from IFM-SEI member organisations will also be there to join this exciting event!

Where and when:

  • Partners meeting: 6-8 December 2019, Brussels, Belgium 
  • YO!Fest 2020:  29-30 May 2020, Strasbourg France

Who: Experienced international facilitators aged 18-30 from Europe

Role of the content coordinators

• Attend the partners meeting in Brussels

• Be in regular communication with other team member and IFM-SEI secretariat, including through regular email communication and participation in virtual meetings

• Design the programme and methodologies for IFM-SEI hub at the festival

• Motivate the active participation of the delegation from IFM-SEI member organisations

• Deliver educational programmes on topics relating to inclusion both within IFM-SEI and with external partners such as fraternal sister organisations and associated educational centres

• Deliver the workshops as a team with the support of IFM-SEI delegetion taking responsibility for specific parts of the programme

• Support the participants in their learning and understanding, including online and offline dissemination that will take place between April-June 2019

Please note that this is a voluntary position, however, the accommodation and breakfasts are paid for but we expect participants to cover food costs for the rest of their stay. Travel reimbursements are made after the event and are €0.045/km considering the most direct road route for a return journey from your start generation. Travel purchases are made by and at the expense of participants.

Profile of the trainer – essential criteria

•Be 18-30 years old

•Be available to join partners meeting and full programme of YO!Fest

• Be active in an IFM-SEI member organisation from Europe

• Have experience as a trainer and/or facilitator on a national, regional and/or international level

• Have a good working understanding of IFM-SEI

• Have an understanding of non-formal education theory and experience in using non-formal education methods

• Have intercultural sensitivity and experience in working with international groups

• Be a good team player

• Be able to communicate confidently English

Profile of the trainer – desirable criteria

• Have experience of working on the topics of youth work, peace education and dialogue between conflicting groups of young people, gender equality and/or climate change

• Have been involved in I Act project previously

• Have completed a Training of Trainers programme

Application process

We are looking for 2 content managers to join the team for representing IFM-SEI at YO!Fest 2020! If you are interested in joining our team, please fill the online application form by Friday 15 November 2019 (16:00 CET).

Next Steps

If you have any questions please contact Basak Van Hove at  In the case of applicants from IFM-SEI member organisations, successful applicants’ organisations will be contacted for approval. All applicants will be contacted within one weeks of the deadline with the outcome of their application.


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