Day 19 - 9 November 2019

Article 32: Children have the right to be protected from doing work that is dangerous or bad for their education, health or development. If children work, they have the right to be safe and paid fairly.

It is okay if older children help out their parents in the family business, or if they want to earn pocket money through some hours of work per week. But no child should have to work so much that they don’t have time to play or go to school anymore, or to do heavy work that is damaging their health, for example in construction or with agrochemicals.

Day 20 - 10 November 2019

1 out of 10 children worldwide have to do work that is dangerous or bad for their education, health or development. 

For more statistics, have a look here.

Do you want to learn more? Check out our other post for 30 Days of Children's Rigts!

  1. 1. Kick Off
  2. 2. Article 7 & 8

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