Day 22 - 12 November 2019

Article 23: Every child with a disability should enjoy the best possible life in society. Governments should remove all obstacles for children with disabilities to become independent and to participate actively in the community.

Article 24: Children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy.

Day 23 - 13 November 2019

According to the World Report on Disability, approximately one billion people in the world are living with a disability, with at least 1 in 10 being children and 80% living in developing countries. 

Children with disabilities are faced with discrimination in several ways and are often excluded in many societal events or programs. Discrimination against children with disabilities often leads to reduced access to basic social services, and general lack of recognition. Addressing discrimination and promoting inclusion is an issue of concern in all sectors, and can be accomplished through information and advocacy, strengthening policy and facilitating access to services.

Day 24 - 14 November 2019

Disabled World’ says that, Inclusion, ensures that all products, services, and societal opportunities and resources are fully accessible, welcoming, functional and usable for as many different types of abilities as reasonably possible.

To make events very accessible and inclusive for children living with disabilities, organizers can consider the following guideline suggestions from the report from 'All In – creating inclusive and empowering spaces for all', the study session of IFM-SEI and ENIL Youth in partnership with Youth Department of the Council of Europe in 2016.

Do you want to learn more? Check out our other post for 30 Days of Children's Rigts!

  1. 1. Kick Off
  2. 2. Article 7 & 8

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