We are looking for keen (prospective) runners to join Team IFM-SEI at the Bruxelles 20km taking place on 19 May 2019. The 20 kilometre run will be a fundraiser for IFM-SEI and participants will have 4 hours to complete the run. Whether or not you're an experienced runner or not, join our team and complete the scenic route around Brussels as part of a great group. The run will take the day after Brussels Pride, so this is the perfect opportunity to take part in both activities in the same weekend. This is the perfect opportunity to get fit, raise funds for IFM-SEI and take part in a shared community experience!

What is offered

IFM-SEI will cover the run registration fee, pre-run dinner, post-run dinner and unique Bruxelles 20km IFM-SEI clothing for each entrant. You will receive a finishing medal by the run organisers, as well as refreshment on the way and after the finish line. Travel and accommodation must be organised and financed by the individual or your sending organisation (it may be possible for some runners to be able to stay at the houses of members of the IFM-SEI secretariat). IFM-SEI will support your fundraising efforts and a joint fundraising page will be set up for Team IFM-SEI.


How to get involved

If you want to join team IFM-SEI, we would ask for you to complete our e-form. Please note there is no selection process, so once you register you will be automatically entered into the run. Anyone who pulls out after this point will have to refund the 25€ registration fee and any other costs (e.g. t-shirt printing, meal prepayments) to IFM-SEI. We envisage each runner to fundraising minimum amount of 100€ for IFM-SEI.

If you have any questions, please contact Carly (IFM-SEI Secretary General) at carly@ifm-sei.org.

Extra support

The Bruxelles 20km website has some great info and support tools to support you in preparation for the run:


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