IFM-SEI is looking for 2-3 experienced and motivated trainers to represent IFM-SEI on the training team for the annual Queer Easter at the Kurt Löwenstein House (KLH) on 14-21 April 2019. The title of this year's Queer Easter is 'The red in the rainbow - 20 years of socialist struggle!' The deadline to apply is Sunday 3 March 2018 (23:59 CET).

What is Queer Easter?

Queer Easter is the biggest annual LGBTQI socialist youth event in Europe.  This year marks the 20th anniversary of Queer Easter and will bring together over 100 young people to explore all aspects of sexuality and gender experience and theory. For this special occasion we will take a look back at what 20 years of fighting for socialism with queer glasses has brought along, as well as reflecting on what is going on right now in the world to be able to look forward in international solidarity on how we can keep fighting to bring a socialist world about. Taking place at the Kurt Löwenstein House (KLH), the seminar is delivered by the KLH international team in partnership with IFM-SEI, YES and IUSY.

Where and when

• Preparatory meeting: March 2019, Germany (dates TBC)
• Seminar: 14-21 April 2019, Kurt Löwenstein House, Werftpfuhl, Brandenburg, Germany (near Berlin)

All travel costs will be subsidised (most economical option), as well as accommodation and subsistence. A modest honorarium will also be provided.

Role of the trainers

• Attend a preparation meeting in Germany and be able to attend the whole duration of Queer Easter

• Contribute to the common sessions and deliver a sub-working group, including designing programme and methodologies

• Be in regular communication with other team members, including through regular email communication and participation in virtual meetings

• Deliver the seminar as a team, taking responsibility for specific parts of the programme

• Evaluate the programme and provide an oral and/or written evaluation to IFM-SEI

• Support the participants in their learning and understanding

Profile of the trainer

• Be 18-30 years old

• Be active in an IFM-SEI member organisation from Europe or the Middle East

• Have experience as a trainer and/or facilitator on the topic of LGBTQI and inclusion

• Have a strong working understanding of IFM-SEI and socialist education

• Have a strong background in non-formal education theory and practice

• Have completed a Training of Trainers as a participant (desirable)

• Have intercultural sensitivity and experience in working with international groups

• Be able to communicate confidently English

Application process

We are looking for 2-3 trainers to join the Queer Easter team. If you are interested in joining our team and have the necessary skills and experience in line with the criteria above, please complete the online e-form by Sunday 3 March 2019 (23:59 CET). You will be asked to complete your personal data, as well as:

• Your motivation to join the Queer Easter team

• Your expectations of your role on the seminar

• Your experience related to the criteria

• What unique qualities you can bring to the team

Please note all applicants must have approval from their IFM-SEI member organisation. If you have any questions please contact the IFM-SEI secretariat at


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