In the UK, the average charity board member is 61 years old. IFM-SEI member organisation, Woodcraft Folk is breaking that trend and supporting young people to take the lead. Their board members range in age from 16 to 52, with an average age of 27. The commitment to being truly youth lead goes even further with the recent appointment of a new, young Chair: Pip Sayers.

Pip Sayers (22), from Bradford, said, “Woodcraft Folk has a rich history of empowering young people and I’m very proud to be leading General Council, a trustee board committed to improving the lives of young people, and a board where over half the members are under 25. You can find excellent examples of youth leadership at all levels of Woodcraft, from local groups to national committees. We are truly a youth lead organisation.”


General Council members in discussion with Sarah Welsh, Joint Chief Executive at a recent meeting.

New Chair of Woodcraft Folk, Pip Sayers

The empowerment of children has always been central to the organisation with young people learning discussion and decision-making skills and taking a lead on the organisation of camps and other events. Their model supports young people to develop the skills and the confidence needed to then step up to leadership roles within the organisation.

If you’d like to find out more, take a look at the organisation’s website at


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