EU Canada transatlantic project

We are currently looking for five IFM-SEI member organisations from the Europe region for our new project: Amplifying the voices of young people with fewer opportunities. The project is in partnership with Oxfam Canada and funded by EuropeAid.

Project in brief

This project gives an opportunity to young people in the EU and Canada to cooperate by raising their voices at the transatlantic level. The thematic focuses of the project are on gender equality, climate change and combatting violent extremism. The project includes a preparation seminar in Berlin, local activities in seven different countries, transatlantic meeting in Canada and online campaigns.

Time period: February 2019 – December 2020

Eligible partners:

  • IFM-SEI member organisations from Europe
  • Number of partner organisations: five
  • Have no outstanding debts without an agreement with the IFM-SEI Control Commission
  • Be legally registered for at least one year
  • Be able to identify one member of your organisation who can be the contact for the duration of the project
  • Have two local facilitators and seven potential participants aged between 18 and 30 years old

Criteria of partner organisations:

  • The organisation has expertise in gender equality, climate change, and/or violent extremism
  • The organisation leadership and participants can communicate confidently in English
  • A two-year commitment to the project with a guarantee to send the required participants to every activity and an obligation to complete the project
  • Capacity to host two local events with seven participants and two facilitators per organisation
  • Experience or will to write formal consultations and reports

Expectations of partner:

  • Two-year commitment of two leaders and seven youngsters from your local to join two local and two international activities
  • Having logistical requirements for local activities
  • Financial capacity for co-funding
  • Respect for reporting deadlines

Aim: The young people in the EU and Canada will look for joint priorities and common solutions on gender equality, climate change, and violent extremism.


1) Partner youth organisations will have the skills and tools to design and facilitate youth labs and dialogues with their peers in the EU and Canada on gender equality, climate change and violent extremism

2) Youth organisations, networks, and associations in Canada and the EU will develop new partnerships and common agendas

3) Young people will have the competences to promote solutions to gender inequality, climate change, and violent extremism


The projects in blue must be coordinated, implemented and funded by partner organisations in their home contexts.

  • Inception Workshop (mid-April 2019)

Who: One leader from each member organisation

Where: Germany

What: Four-day training on lab design and facilitation, project management, gender mainstreaming and intersectionality, gender equality, climate change, and violent extremism from thematic experts.

  • Local Labs part 1 (July-September 2019)

Who: Coordinated, implemented and partly funded by member organisations

Where: Local level

What: Two-day Local Labs in a peer-to-peer style, where young facilitators will work together with Youth Leaders representing their organisations

  • The Transatlantic Dialogue (November 2019)

Who: Two leaders and seven participants from each member organisation

Where: Canada

What: Four-day meeting in Canada where youth leaders and youngsters who participated in the Local Labs, will join to present results from their Local Labs.

  • Local Labs part 2 (March-June 2020) - coordinated, implemented and funded by partners

Who: Coordinated, implemented and partly funded by member orhanisations

Where: Local level

What: Two-day Local Labs with the same participants will bring the transatlantic agenda to the local level and will develop local strategies.



The project requires 4,500 € co-funding per member organisation. This co-funding will cover all the local and international project activities. Member organisations can choose the method of cost sharing by partial self-funding of travel costs and/or participation fees. Local and/or national funding (by non-EU funds) received by member organisations for the project can be used as co-funding.

How to participate?

 Please complete the online application if you wish to be a partner. A selection will be made based on the quality of the answers and how the partner organisations would complement each other. The deadline to apply is Sunday 3 February 2019 (23:59 CET). If you have any questions please contact the IFM-SEI secretariat at



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