IFM-SEI has undertaken number of projects on gender equality and feminism in the past years by creating tools, campaigns and women’s quotas. We realise we have experience and expertise in our organisation in the topic of feminism. Therefore, we wanted to create IFM-SEI Feminist Network in our Strategy and Work Plan 2016-2019. The Feminist Network was established in September 2016 to lead the feminist work in the organisation and to complement the existing Rainbow Network. The Feminist Network is open to all members and led by a volunteer coordinator(s).

Get involved!

IFM-SEI Feminist Network hasn’t been active lately so we want to have a new boost to the important work, starting with introducing our two new coordinators for the network, Stella and Shes. They will work as network coordinators until the end of the mandate, June 2019.

The next online network meeting is going to be held on 13 December at 18.30 CET. If you would like to join the network, be on the mailing list or join the meeting please contact us by e-mail at


Introducing Stella

My name is Stella and I am a 21-year-old student from Slovenia. I have been an active member of the Slovenian Falcon Youth Union from its beginning and since last year also a board member and the international secretary. I have also actively participated in many international activities in the past years. That is also how I crossed paths with the Feminist Network. I am really passionate about working within this Network because for me feminism is a fundamental value without which society cannot stand and as such I believe that it should be an integral part of all IFM-SEI member organisations. This is why I was honoured to become a part of this wonderful Network that I believe addresses many issues women from all over the world face on a daily basis. In the future I will work towards raising awareness of the inequality we all encounter and help the movement and its members to fight for equal rights for all.

Introducing Shes

Hey! I am Shes. A 21 years old Social Work student from Catalonia. I am one of the leaders and the director of the esplai of my town, an association of non-formal education. Also, I am a board member of ESPLAC, Esplais Catalans, our umbrella association and member of IFM-SEI. I am part of the ESPLAC international commission and I have participated in several international trainings, seminars and meetings. That is how feminist network has appeared in my world! I believe in activism as a fundamental cornerstone of the world where we all live. Claiming our rights is the action that everyone should do. Is there a better way to do it than a feminist perspective? I am motivated to be part of this Network for everything that networking implies. Also, I want to help bringing the feminist perspective to all the sister organisations of IFM-SEI and their members, as well as to fight for their rights.


If you have any questions or would like to join the network, be on the mailing list or join the meeting please contact us by e-mail at


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